Running Maxima from Java...

I can't answer your question about plots, but it is possible
to import latex into TeXmacs.  I would be very interested
in seeing your Java program, since I have students working
on similar projects, also involving speech recognition.
It is easier to say "bold script capital A"  than to get
a handwriting recognition program to read it.


Ernesto Tapia wrote:

>I wrote a Java program for the edition and recognition of on-line
>handwritten mathematical expresions. I use batch files to see a
>graphic output of the recognition results (generated by latex) and use
>Mathematica to do some symbolic calculations and to plot functions.
>Because Maxima is distributed under the GNU General Public License, I
>want to use Maxima, instead Mathematica, to the same purposes.
>I have some questions: Is it possible to save the graphic output
>obtained by plot in a determined file, i.e. to specify the output's
>file name? Can I specify the size (width x height) of such an output?
>Ernesto Tapia                      
>Freie Universitaet Berlin
>Institut fuer Informatik                     Tel: ++49/30/838-75133
>Takustr. 9                                   Fax: ++49/30/838-75109
>D-14195 Berlin
>Maxima mailing list