Factoring in radicals in general

Am Sun, 19 Oct 2003 20:56:15 -0400 hat Stavros Macrakis 
<stavros.macrakis@verizon.net> geschrieben:

> As for factoring polynomials in radicals in general, I believe there has
> been some progress in practical algorithms for this, but frankly I have
> not followed that field.  Do other CAS's support it?

Neither Maple nor Mathematica nor MuPad can factor your polynomial. 
Generally, it is useful that a CAS like Maxima implement the newest and 
best algorithms, of course, but this was not what I meant. What I meant 
was that "solve" (for polynomials in on symbol, that is in R[X]) seems to 
be more powerful than "factor" even though both commands do essentially 
the same thing. That is the same thing Maple does. I simply wondered, why.

> Would you be willing to implement it for Maxima?

If I did it, if I started to temper with Maxima, the number of Maxima 
users would rapidly decrease... Maybe I should ask Wofram research to pay 
me for that...
