--- Raymond Toy <toy@rtp.ericsson.se> wrote:
> >>>>> "Boris" == Boris Hollas <hollas@informatik.uni-ulm.de> writes:
> Boris> The Maxima documentation doesn't say much about the
> Boris> available plot2d options. Is there a more comprehensive
> Boris> description?
> Unfortunately, the only descriptions are whatever help is available
> and the source code.
Try the Maximabook - I did try to do a description of the current
plot2d options, but I don't know how much more helpful it is since I
was working off Bill's docs and a little trial and error. If you want
stuff that's not documented there, then the source code is indeed the
only resort.
> Boris> Also, I want to diplay plots with a log-scale on both axes
> Boris> and a grid in the style gnuplot does. Is this possible
> Boris> from within Maxima?
> I don't think so. But it shouldn't be too hard to add options to
> plot for log axes when using gnuplot as the plotter, since it already
> supports log axes.
Our gnuplot GUI could really stand a little retuning - the cvs version
can do 3D rotation without having to send the replot command each time,
and it would be nice to be able to access a larger part of the featuer
set of gnuplot from the GUI. Problem is, I can't figure out how to
disable the tcl GUI, much less update it. :-/.
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