It might be relevant to point out that the SOLVE command
calls the factoring routines and then calls a solve program
on each factor. So they do work together.
Andrei Zorine wrote:
>> Maxima does solve 2,3,4-degree polynomials (and their functional
>> compositions using polydecomp, try x^6+2*x^4-x^3+x^2-x-1) using radicals
>> -- in the Solve command. Although *some* polynomials of higher degree
>> (e.g. x^5+20*x+32) can be solved in radicals, Maxima does not support
>> that.
> maxima's solve command can be extended to some high-order polinomials,
> such as sum(a[i]*((lambda^(n-1)*x^i+x^(n+i),i,0,n)=0, which requires
> lisp hacking.
> factoring with respect to roots is called 'splitting' in certain CASes.
> --
> Andrei Zorine
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