HOWTO document Maxima sessions?


On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:
> I wonder what would the most reasonable way to document my Maxima
> sessions. I don't need a perfect latex layout, but something like
> Maple's worksheets.
GNU TeXmacs is a good solution here ( I'd 
recommend to install the newest version (, because I have improved 
Maxima support in this version a lot.
To make things look more like Mathematica (ot Maple) notebook, you can use
Document -> Use package -> Program -> varsession

> A document should contain
> - all statements I put in,

> - Maxima's output (including graphics),
Including graphics requires some hand-work. When you run a plotting 
command in Maxima, you get a separate Tk window with the plot. You can do 
some things with this plot (move, scale, rotate...). When you are 
satisfied, just save it as eps file via the menu, and include this file 
into your TeXmacs document in the standard way.

I was told that menus in these plot windows don't work with some window 
managers. I use KDE, and everything works perfectly for me.

> - my additional comments (about the problem, I am trying to
>   solve, the steps I took, my interpretation of the results).
Use "Insert text field" via the menu to insert comments into your session.
You can use high-quality formulae (nicely rendered by TeXmacs) inside 
these comments.
