HOWTO document Maxima sessions?

Well, unfortunately there is no such (useable) interface to maxima at the 
moment. This will probably not change in the near future since the maxima 
kernel doesn't have a well defined interface/communication protocol and James 
Amundson seems to be the only developer contributing in this direction.

> GNU TeXmacs is a good solution here ( I'd
> recommend to install the newest version (, because I have improved
> Maxima support in this version a lot.

If you claim TeXmacs to be a good solution than type "describe("integrate");". 
Of course this is not TeXmacs fault as mentioned above.

The only almost useable interface I'm aware of is emacs in the imaxima-mode. 
You get readable (TeXed) output. It is fairly stable and at least you can use 
stringout("maxima.mac",INPUT); and batch("maxima.mac"); to reuse your work. 
You can add comments to the maxima.mac file adding lines like /* this is a 
comment */.

Kind regards,