On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Richard Fateman wrote:
> You will have to tell us what front end you are using,
> and EXACTLY what errors you receive.
O.K. I am using maxima, but errors remain the same with xmaxima.
This is what I do:
I enter maxima and type
(C1) writefile("session03.mac");
Starts dribbling to session03.mac (2003/11/10, 19:37:1).
(C2) 5+4;
(D2) 9
(C3) closefile();
Finished dribbling to session03.mac.
This is the content of the file session03.mac :
Starts dribbling to session03.mac (2003/11/10, 19:37:1).
(D2) 9
Then I restart maxima (still in the same directory as
session03.mac) and do
(C1) load("session03.mac");
stdin:17:Incorrect syntax: dribbling is not an infix operator
Starts dribbling
(C2) batch("session03.mac");
batching #p/root/Desktop/session03.mac
stdin:17:Incorrect syntax: dribbling is not an infix operator
Starts dribbling
I think this means, that session03.mac is found by maxima, but
maxima cannot interpret it's content.
> also, as I said in other mail, use %th() to refer
> to previous expressions by position rather than label name.
Oh, yes. I just read % not %th() .
| Peter Ulrich Kruppa |
| - Wuppertal - |
| Germany |