1. You should not try to batch the OUTPUT file.
It has the labels, displayed stuff, and other material
that is not in the input syntax!
2. You could compose a different file for INPUT, using
a text editor.
3. If you want to save the session so as to re-start
at the same point, try
save ("session3_saved",all);
and later do
load ("session3_saved");
you can also experiment with playback() which can
display some of the material.
Or you can edit the output from the writefile if
you insist on composing batch files by typing them
in to maxima. this is, in my opinion, a bad idea
If you want to see the "notebook", then load back
the saved file and use playback();
This is, I think, the closest that maxima has
to a re-executable notebook form as I think you
are expecting.
Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Richard Fateman wrote:
>>You will have to tell us what front end you are using,
>>and EXACTLY what errors you receive.
>O.K. I am using maxima, but errors remain the same with xmaxima.
>This is what I do:
>I enter maxima and type
> -----------------------------------------
>(C1) writefile("session03.mac");
>Starts dribbling to session03.mac (2003/11/10, 19:37:1).
>(C2) 5+4;
>(D2) 9
>(C3) closefile();
>Finished dribbling to session03.mac.
> -----------------------------------------
>This is the content of the file session03.mac :
> -----------------------------------------
>Starts dribbling to session03.mac (2003/11/10, 19:37:1).
>(D2) 9
> -----------------------------------------
>Then I restart maxima (still in the same directory as
>session03.mac) and do
> -----------------------------------------
>(C1) load("session03.mac");
>stdin:17:Incorrect syntax: dribbling is not an infix operator
>Starts dribbling
> ^
>(C2) batch("session03.mac");
>batching #p/root/Desktop/session03.mac
>stdin:17:Incorrect syntax: dribbling is not an infix operator
>Starts dribbling
> ^
> ----------------------------------------
>I think this means, that session03.mac is found by maxima, but
>maxima cannot interpret it's content.
>>also, as I said in other mail, use %th() to refer
>>to previous expressions by position rather than label name.
>Oh, yes. I just read % not %th() .
> +-------------------------+
> | Peter Ulrich Kruppa |
> | - Wuppertal - |
> | Germany |
> +-------------------------+