Re: [Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima,1.35,1.36

On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 11:54, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:
>     James>  	[CMUCL_NAME=${cmucl_default_name}])
>     James> +AC_ARG_WITH(cmucl-runtime,
>     James> +	[  --with-cmucl-runtime=<path>	Use cmucl runtime <path> (default
>     James> +	   *cmucl-lib*/../bin/lisp)],
>     James> +	[cmucl=true
>     James> +	CMUCL_RUNTIME_PATH="$withval"
>     James> +	CMUCL_RUNTIME=`basename ${CMUCL_RUNTIME_PATH}`],
>     James> +	[CMUCL_RUNTIME_PATH=`${CMUCL_NAME} -quiet -batch -eval '(format t "~a/../bin/lisp~%" common-lisp::*cmucl-lib*)(quit)'`
> You might want to add -noinit and -nositeinit.  Not sure.

I've wondered about that. I think we should add them. (Done.)

> But anyway, this doesn't work in current CVS versions because
> *cmucl-lib* can be a list of directories, like $PATH.

OK. I'm not surprised. I was uncomfortable adding something as obviously
implementation-dependent as the above, but I don't see any way around it
if we want to support static installs. (There is a similar issue with
clisp.) I think static installs will be a big win in the long run, so
the additional complications should be worth it.

The automatic runtime determination is just a guess -- it can always be
overridden by an explicit choice.

> I'll try to think of some way to get this information out.

Thanks. I'd welcome any suggestions.
