Re: some problems with lsquares

This seems to be a problem with solve(). There are at least two open 
bugs in the Maxima tracker system at that describe 
this problem:
The documentation for SOLVE and for tools that use
SOLVE (e.g. EIGENVALUES) doesn't state that floating
point numbers are always converted to rational numbers
and that KEEPFLOAT:TRUE is being ignored.
Wish: Floats in SOLVE
It would be nice if SOLVE and related functions (e.g.
EIGENVALUES) could work with floating point numbers
(currently it has to convert them to rational numbers).

I can force the bfloat conversion of the fineal result, but this 
can't avoid the problem with too big intermediate numbers. Moreover, 
when matrix values are integer or rational numbers and the obtained 
parameters are little rational numbers, a more exact and nice output 
is obtained with no bfloat conversion.

You can increase RATEPSILON (with BFTORAT:FALSE) to reduce the 
intermediate rational numbers, but this also reduces the precision of 
the results. This can avoid the diagnostic about very big numbers.

An alternative is to provide a GuessList to lsquares() in order to 
use mnewton() instead of solve(). You can obtain the guesses by 
calling lsquares() first with RATEPSILON:2.0E-2 for example.

Best regards,

On 25 Nov 2003 at 18:13, Valery Pipin wrote:

> Hello,
> Many  thanks for this very useful contribution.
> I observe one problem when I tried to find an approximation with lsquares. 
> Why the numerics is left unevaluated in the following case?
> (C22)   
> lsquares(m6,[o,a,dia],dia=k1+ok2*atan(o)/o+ak2*atan(a)/a+k2*atan(o)*atan(a)/(o*a),
> (C22)   [k1,ok2,ak2,k2]);
>        Determination Coefficient = 0.83294990112697
> (D22) dia = (51446713433530427328677360728845969736736885578*ATAN(a)*ATAN(o)
>           -455999762562121434746193650304046751931462692880*a*ATAN(o)
>           +(1238808364074986242512306422589519959308270339712*a
>            -4057697611201546716146647006983806762760711262080*ATAN(a))
>            *o)
>           /(91095585936884748220570072249110905420450590459571*a*o)
> (C23) expand(bfloat(rhs(%)));
> (D23) 5.647552831942384B-4*ATAN(a)*ATAN(o)/(a*o)
>        -5.005728410134595B-3*ATAN(o)/o-4.454329558857998B-2*ATAN(a)/a
>        +1.359899441157654B-2
> Well I can simplify d22 with c23.  However, I have a problem when I give the 
> approximation in the more complicated form.  I  obtain the diagnostic like,
>  5144671343353042732869(many numbers) is not a fixnum kind.
> best rgds,
> valery