--- Wolfgang Jenkner <wjenkner@inode.at> wrote:
> C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com> writes:
> > I'd be more than happy to see it graduate to share personally.
> > Jim's got to OK any move like that though.
> So share/contrib is regarded as purgatory?
> Wolfgang
Heh :-). More or less. It is essentially a repository for code that
has not been tested, verified, or otherwise worked on at all, but that
we don't want to lose because it shows some faint signs of being useful
;-). Which basically means it was the place I uploaded all the misc
stuff related to Maxima/macsyma that I found when I was looking for it
a while back. (Note to self: still need to put the stuff from Dr.
Rand's book up there - I never got finished adding headers.) Right
now, of course, the share directory itself is in such a state that the
contrib/regular share distinction is almost meaningless, but eventually
contrib will be the first step for code hoping to graduate to share, or
replace some system component as the case may be.
If someone has something that isn't yet worthy, but would be of
interest to other folks or a real pain to lose, contrib is the place to
dump it.
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