why the contrib/format in lost state?

OH, I get it now.  OK, you haven't tested enough examples ;-).  I
toggled the Maxima specific stuff in, and was able to load, but when I
tried the second demo example I got a failure:

(C6) format((1+2*eps*(q+r*cos(g))^2)^4,%series(eps,2),%trig(g),factor);

Error: The function POIS-SETUP is undefined.
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by LISP:LET*.
Broken at LISP:LET*.  Type :H for Help.

If you look at the file pois2m.ps you will see he altered some stuff to
add functionality to Macsyma, and that was the file I couldn't upload. 
If we add the stuff he mentions in his paper to our own version we're
probably OK, but I'm not sure how to proceed there.  The one he altered
was a Macsyma Inc. version, and probably had other changes from ours
besided the ones he added.  It will take some work to duplicate that,
before we have the full format functionality.   Until it does, contrib
is a safer place for it.


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