Re: How to assign partial list

> Concerning notation and operations on lists, the "old guard"
> of programming languages (Fortran and a lot of stuff derived 
> from it -- Basic, C/C++, Java) have a very weak, limited set 
> of built-in operations for processing lists. Lisp, I'm sure,
> is very powerful, but also very idiosyncratic.

I think we can learn from a variety of sources.  In fact, your examples
translate almost directly into APL, vintage 1957, so I wouldn't be so
quick to sneer at "old guard" languages.

The functional programming tradition which includes FP, Scheme, ML,
Miranda, etc. also has a lot to teach us, as does the SETL/ABC/Python

By the way, though Basic is clearly based on Fortran, the other
languages you mention -- C, C++, and Java -- are part of the Algol (and
later Simula 67) lineage.

I do need to learn more about Matlab/Octave and R/S.  Can you recommend
a good high-level overview of these systems?  Something that will
actually describe the semantics but won't go into reference-manual
levels of numbing detail....
