maxima source, allegro, pathnames, also clearwindow()

Richard Fateman <> writes:

> loading the new maxima-package.lisp  fixes a number of
> things, but the search paths for files are still not set up
> right.

I am sorry if my original message was not clear enough.  I focused on
the bug you mentioned but adding support for a new common lisp system
involves changing many files (at least the build system and
macsys.lips, but in practice there are also idiosyncrasies of either
the lisp system or Maxima) and, as I said, Ray did so last February,
after the last release.  This means that you probably want to fetch
the current CVS tree, and the only way to do so is to install the cvs
program on your system (some projects provide snapshots of the CVS
tree, we don't AFAIK).
