maxima source, allegro, pathnames, also clearwindow()

>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Jenkner <> writes:

    Wolfgang> I am sorry if my original message was not clear enough.  I focused on
    Wolfgang> the bug you mentioned but adding support for a new common lisp system
    Wolfgang> involves changing many files (at least the build system and
    Wolfgang> macsys.lips, but in practice there are also idiosyncrasies of either
    Wolfgang> the lisp system or Maxima) and, as I said, Ray did so last February,
    Wolfgang> after the last release.  This means that you probably want to fetch

I did fix up things to work, but file searching may not have been one
of them.  I can't remember anymore, and I don't have an ACL license
anymore either.  

    Wolfgang> the current CVS tree, and the only way to do so is to install the cvs
    Wolfgang> program on your system (some projects provide snapshots of the CVS
    Wolfgang> tree, we don't AFAIK).

Perhaps we should do that on a periodic basis?  SBCL has a release
every month, and CMUCL tries to provide some binary snapshots each
month too.

In any case, I can supply a snapshot on sourceforge in the next few
days if anyone is interested.
