maxima source, allegro, pathnames, also clearwindow()

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 15:09, Raymond Toy wrote:

>     Wolfgang> the current CVS tree, and the only way to do so is to install the cvs
>     Wolfgang> program on your system (some projects provide snapshots of the CVS
>     Wolfgang> tree, we don't AFAIK).
> Perhaps we should do that on a periodic basis?  SBCL has a release
> every month, and CMUCL tries to provide some binary snapshots each
> month too.
> In any case, I can supply a snapshot on sourceforge in the next few
> days if anyone is interested.

I am convinced that we should make a regular cvs snapshot available. I
would really like to see it done with a cron job. Are there any
volunteers to write a snapshot exporting script? It wouldn't be
