Re: [Gcl-devel] HEAD Maxima and HEAD trad GCL

Thanks, Mike!  The shortest route is perhaps via fixing the existing
relocation code, the further debugging of which I outlined in my last
email.  We need a few more items from the gdb session.  If for any
reason you did not get that email or are otherwise having difficulty,
please let me know.  Or if anyone else with a windows mingw setup
would like to help our steadfast Mike Thomas, please speak up!

Take care,

Mike Thomas <> writes:

> Hi Camm.
> >./configure --disable-statsysbfd --disable-custreloc --enable-dlopen (--enable-ansi)
> >
> >and then build maxima with the -alt-gcl-link.  I'd really like to know
> >how this goes.
> >
> I keep meaning to reply to this request and continually forget I'm
> sorry.  There isn't support for dlopen in Win32.  It might be possible
> to borrow code from the Moscow ML source tree which does an excellent
> job of this but it really is pushing the limits of Windows
> compatibility particularly when there is a lot of static data lying
> around in the libraries.
> Remember that DLL's on Windows are completely linked executables which
> means that the semantics of their use are substantially different to
> that on Unix platforms. Cheers
> Mike Thomas
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> Maxima mailing list

Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah