Making Maxima more attractive to a casual user

Dear Sirs,

There has been discussion about making Maxima mailing list spam
free, but still accessible to a casual user.

I think that what is more important, is to update the Web page to the
year 2004. There is News section in the web, but the latest news is

New Website Up
The new website design based off of XHTML and CSS is now live.
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

The web page is namely an advertisement that says either:
"Hey! This project is progressing and we are busy in saving the world"
"Interesting project, but appearantly is no more maintained"

More news, even minor ones! It makes people feel that it is safe to
try Maxima and not to stick with the old big M's. The more the people
use Maxima, the more there will be persons who think that they should
contribute code, money, documentation, etc.. to the project.

( There is a huge amount of free code made for Maple, Mathematica and
Matlab because people just are familiar with these products. And they
don't really know that there are GNU alternatives available. )

Best regards,

Arho Virkki
Ph.D. student in mathematics