Re: HEAD Maxima and HEAD trad GCL

Mike Thomas <> writes:

> Hi Camm.
>>./configure --disable-statsysbfd --disable-custreloc --enable-dlopen (--enable-ansi)
>>and then build maxima with the -alt-gcl-link.  I'd really like to know
>>how this goes.
> I keep meaning to reply to this request and continually forget I'm sorry.
> There isn't support for dlopen in Win32.  It might be possible to borrow code
> from the Moscow ML source tree which does an excellent job of this but it
> really is pushing the limits of Windows compatibility particularly when there
> is a lot of static data lying around in the libraries.


You may already know this, but the Win32 API calls LoadLibrary/LoadLibrayEx
and GetProcAddress do similar things to dlopen and dlsym.
