Hello everyone on the maxima mailing list.
I'm glad to see there's so much activity on this poor program.
Out of curiosity, is there work being done on the manuals? I see so
many inconsistencies (like plot2d vs plot2 and ode vs ode2 and
similar) that I've been baffled by what exactly is in the current
version of maxima, and what isn't. Generally I resort to trial and
I know you guys are working on the great downcasing, and some general
infrastructure stuff so perhaps there's a lot of changing going on
under the covers?
Also, I've got a bug which I'm about to post to the sourceforge site:
limit(sin(x)/x,x,0) gives UND on my maxima 5.9.1 from debian
testing. Apparently in some previous version it didn't (I saw an
example on the web). I haven't thought about the imaginary case, it's
been a while, so I don't know whether this limit is defined for the
imaginary sin(x), is that what's going on?
limit(sin(x)/x,x,0,PLUS) gives 1
limit(sin(x)/x,x,0,MINUS) gives 1.0, a floating point number ???
finally, I noticed some rigamarole in the mailing list archive about
dealing with CVS and the great source downcasing vs. others who are
busy doing enhancements. Has anyone worked with the "aegis" system for
source configuration management? I've used it quite a bit, and I think
it would work very well for a mature source base like maxima where
incremental changes from various sources for different purposes are
going on and there is a strong emphasis on unit and regression testing
and soforth.
Daniel Lakeland