Maxima and MacOSX

On Feb 3, 2004, at 2:59 PM, Andrea Riciputi wrote:

> Yes I've the Fink's version. After playing with xmaxima script a 
> little bit, I've started to remember something. Replacing wish 
> invocations with /usr/bin/wish (the Aqua version) I was able to start 
> xmaxima without X11.
> Still there some problems though. I'll ask with the Fink's mainteiner.

	Actually, all you need to do to get the Fink version of xmaxima 
running under 10.3.x is make sure you have tcltk installed. The default 
maxima installation under fink seems to call only for tcltk-dev and 
tcltk-shlibs, but not the tcltk package itself. If you install tcltk, 
then xmaxima runs just fine under X11. Once I found that wish was 
missing and that tcltk needed installing, all was fine with xmaxima.

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