Maxima + Java


I'm writing a Java application (,
which will implement several sophisticated algorithms (like
resource-task networks, or input-output methods).

For this reason, I need some math engine for my program.

Tonight I remembered a book by Tom Gilb (Principles of software
engineering). There, he explained that once he was working on a 
software system, which was an improved version of an existing one. The
new, improved system was finished much more quickly than planned,
because he convinced the developers to re-use as much code as possible
(from the old system).

Now I am thinking about making some nifty interface between my Java
program and Maxima, so that I can take advantage of Maxima's

At, I discovered a piece of software called Jatha 
(, which is an implementation
of LISP in Java.

Has anybody attempted to connect Maxima and Java? If so, what were the
biggest challenges?

