Maxima + Java

Dimitri Pissarenko wrote:

>I'm writing a Java application (,
>which will implement several sophisticated algorithms (like
>resource-task networks, or input-output methods).
>For this reason, I need some math engine for my program.
Does that mean that Java is not suitable for your program because it 
does not
have a "math engine"?  What functionality do you need?  The term "math 
could be almost anything!
Why are you using Java?

>Tonight I remembered a book by Tom Gilb (Principles of software
>engineering). There, he explained that once he was working on a 
>software system, which was an improved version of an existing one. The
>new, improved system was finished much more quickly than planned,
>because he convinced the developers to re-use as much code as possible
>(from the old system).
Code re-use is a very popular theme in software engineering. It doesn't work
too well if the code you are trying to re-use was not written to be 
re-used, or
not even debugged.

>Now I am thinking about making some nifty interface between my Java
>program and Maxima, so that I can take advantage of Maxima's
>At, I discovered a piece of software called Jatha 
>(, which is an implementation
>of LISP in Java.
Maxima is not written in any old hacked up "implementation of lisp."  
Jatha claims to be
"a large subset of common lisp". What makes you want to debug it?

>Has anybody attempted to connect Maxima and Java? If so, what were the
>biggest challenges?
All you need is a linkage between lisp and Java.. see, for example.

The link between lisp and maxima is simple.  For example, to invoke the 
function "foo"  you can call (in lisp) the function $foo.

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