emaxima problem with emacs-21.3.1 (Debian)

> Hi all,
> I have a strange problem with emaxima. After M-x emaxima-mode,
> whenever I click any menu in the menu bar the following errors pop up:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable maxima-process)
>   (processp maxima-process)
>   (not (processp maxima-process))
> However, all basic emaxima functions are still working.
> Am I alone with this kind of problem?

I just tried it, and I can't reproduce the problem.
So I'm not sure how to debug the problem.
If you open a file containing exactly
and call "Update all cells" from the menu, you get the above error?
What happens if you do
M-x emaxima-update-all
