emaxima problem with emacs-21.3.1 (Debian)

Hi all, 

I have a strange problem with emaxima. After M-x emaxima-mode,
whenever I click any menu in the menu bar the following errors pop up:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable maxima-process)
  (processp maxima-process)
  (not (processp maxima-process))

However, all basic emaxima functions are still working. 

Am I alone with this kind of problem? 

I am using emacs-21.3.1 (Debian) and maxima 5.9.0-22 with Blackbox
window manager on Debian/Linux (woody).  


Sung-youn Kim

Political Science Dept. 
Stony Brook University (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Office : 631-632-7664
Web : http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/stu/sungyoki