maxima windows package from cvs

Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) writes:
> I have built a windows installer from maxima cvs.
>  - dosn't support spaces in folder names
>  - works (including xmaxima) on NT4 and XP
>  - command line maxima sort of works on windows 95 
>    (and presumably 98/Me) but need to test some more
>  - xmaxima doesn't work on windows 95
> I don't have anywhere to host it, but can upload it somewhere and 
> update it occasionally.
> To get it working I needed to make some monor changes.  Open to suggestions
> on better ways to acheive the same result.
> 1. Get the installer to generate a maxima.bat with the new %prefix%
> This is done by creating a bat file that echoes the existing maxima.bat file 
> to stdout, but with %prefix% given by a command line arg.  This is run by 
> the installer to overwrite the original maxima.bat. 
> 2. Define MAXIMA_PREFIX=%prefix% in windows.bat
> 3. Add the full path to gcc in the variable compiler::*cc*
> Done by adding the following line to maxima-init.lisp
> (setq compiler::*cc* (concatenate 'string *maxima-prefix* "\\bin\\" compiler::*cc*))


I also tried to build maxima/xmaxima on Windows XP
and Windows Me.

I use MSYS-1.0.10-rc4,mingw gcc 3.3.1, msysDTK 1.0.1,
mingw tcltk 8.4.1-1 and also freewrap 5.6 and starkit.

Everything goes well on Windows XP. Xmaxima works well
in three flawors - as plain tcl script from MSYS
command line, as xmaxima.exe created by freewrap,
as xmaxima.exe created by starkit. But none of these
thee xmaximas work on Windows Me.  It seems that
xmaxima on Windows Me even can't start maxima script.
To check that this trouble isn't due to some Mingw/MSYS/Tcl/Tk
updates I rebuild Maxima 5.9.0 release in the same
environment - xmaxima works fine on both Windows XP and Me.
So, we are facing a choice:
1) abolish xmaxima support on Win 9X/Me altogether
2) make some workaround probably partially returning to old scheme
Personally I prefer 2. More details later.

I'd like to raise yet another issue.  Now command line
maxima works - fine!  But plotting doesn't work in this
regime.  I think this should be fixed.

PS: GCL issue: I expect GCL 2.6.2 will be released in a
week or maybe two. And finally Maxima should be based
on GCL 2.6.2 - it has tons of improvements.
But presently GCL CVS has two issues on MinGW.
1. Current GCL CVS doesn't compile on mingw.
This will be fixed in few days but for time being I
use GCL CVS 21.02.2004.
2. Mingw GCL print routines produces wrong EOL with
excessive CR - CR-CR-LF instead of CR-LF.
Can be seen as a box at the end of each line at xmaxima
window.  Will be fixed soon.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
