maxima windows package from cvs

I have built a windows installer from maxima cvs.
 - dosn't support spaces in folder names
 - works (including xmaxima) on NT4 and XP
 - command line maxima sort of works on windows 95 
   (and presumably 98/Me) but need to test some more
 - xmaxima doesn't work on windows 95

I don't have anywhere to host it, but can upload it somewhere and 
update it occasionally.

To get it working I needed to make some monor changes.  Open to suggestions
on better ways to acheive the same result.

1. Get the installer to generate a maxima.bat with the new %prefix%

This is done by creating a bat file that echoes the existing maxima.bat file 
to stdout, but with %prefix% given by a command line arg.  This is run by 
the installer to overwrite the original maxima.bat. 

2. Define MAXIMA_PREFIX=%prefix% in windows.bat

3. Add the full path to gcc in the variable compiler::*cc*

Done by adding the following line to maxima-init.lisp
(setq compiler::*cc* (concatenate 'string *maxima-prefix* "\\bin\\" compiler::*cc*))