Maxima Newbie Question: Matrix*Vector multiplication ?

On Wednesday 10 March 2004 21:20, you wrote:
I probably recover the reason for this behavior.

| Z:matrix([z11,z12],[z21,z22]);
Z is default name  one of coordinates (they are [x,y,z]). So you should not 
use their names. Or, rename them.

| 				 [ z11  z12 ]
| (D3) 				 [ 	    ]
| 				 [ z21  z22 ]
| (C4)
| 				    [ Fm ]
| (D4) 				    [ 	 ]
| 				    [ Fs ]
| (C5)
| incompatible dimensions - cannot multiply
|  -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
| (C6)
| 				 [ a11  a12 ]
| (D6) 				 [ 	    ]
| 				 [ a21  a22 ]
| (C7)
| 				    [ B1 ]
| (D7) 				    [ 	 ]
| 				    [ B2 ]
| (C8)
| 			      [ a12 B2 + a11 B1 ]
| (D8) 			      [ 	        ]
| 			      [ a22 B2 + a21 B1 ]
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| So, it is possible to multiply A.b but not Z.F
| Is there something fundamental that I have missed?
| Thanks,
| 		Goran
| Ps. Why are the columnvector components B1,B2 instead of b1,b2 ?
That's unsuitable feature because maxima does not work properly with both 
cases..If the package vect would be written in low case then the name of 
vectors component would the same as input I guess (not sure) 

Best rgds,