Maxima Newbie Question: Matrix*Vector multiplication ?

> I want to multiply a matrix A with a vector b, but I cannot 
> figure out how to do that simple operation.

No need to load VECT or EIGEN -- matrix multiplication is standard.  The
Columnvector function is unnecessary, too (I don't know why EIGEN
bothers to define it).  I could not reproduce the "Circular rule"
problem -- what version does build_info() say you are running?

Maxima is extremely liberal (perhaps too liberal?) about what it will
accept as a vector, so there are many ways of multiplying a matrix by a

   a: matrix([a11,a12],[a21,a22]);

   a . [b1,b2];
   a . matrix([b1],[b2])       Explicit
   a . matrix([b1,b2])         Implicit transpose
   a . transpose(matrix([b1,b2]))
   a . transpose([b1,b2])

(You can suppress list-to-matrix conversion using the Listarith switch.)
