Maxima Newbie Question: Matrix*Vector multiplication ?

On Thursday 11 March 2004 00:28, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
| The VECT package is designed for working with vector dot and cross
| products, and so redefines "." as the vector dot-product.  I can't say I
| particularly like this way of doing things, but the documentation does
| warn explicitly: ''Warning:  The VECT package declares "." to be a
| commutative operator.''
| If you need both the vector simplifications defined by VECT and normal
| matrix functionality, I think you are out of luck.  You can try
| remove(".",commutative), but that will eviscerate vector dot-product
| simplification.  What exactly did you want from the VECT package?
| Perhaps you only loaded it because you thought it was necessary for
| matrix-vector operations?
| I suspect that the solution is simply not to load VECT at all.
|       -s
I think the problem came from the maxima help. The help topic "Definitions for 
Matrices and Linear Algebra"  contains descriptions of functions from "vect" 
package.I also have been confused with this because  I have never used linear 
algebra operations before (even I've been using maxima more than 2 years). 
