mockmma, netmath

On Friday 12 March 2004 15:16, Richard Fateman wrote:
|   for mockmma
Thank you! As I understand mma can not be used directly from maxima.

It is designed to use from lisp.    
 What lisp dialect is better for mma?
I can not load it nor with gcl nor with sbcl.
>(load "mma.lisp")
Loading mma.lisp
Error: "COMMON-LISP" is not of type (LISP:OR LISP:SYMBOL LISP:STRING ...).
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Error signalled by LISP:USE-PACKAGE.
Broken at LISP:USE-PACKAGE.  Type :H for Help.
| I don't know about netmath.  
The netmath sources were on the old homepage of maxima.  
When I looked at it 2 years ago I got feeling that netmath daemon running as a 
server had abilities to manage interaction between maxima,
octave and something else.
