mockmma, netmath

mma.lisp runs in Allegro CL and was also set up to run in GCL (AKCL) and 
See the instructions in mma1.6/davorpatch/

I don't know about other Lisp systems, and I have not tested
these patches.  The specific problem you encountered probably
has to do with differences in conventions in the naming of packages.
 You could try changing :common-lisp
to "common-lisp" or "COMMON-LISP" in the use-package line, but
see the patches by davor.

You could add a command to maxima so that you can invoke mockmma
like this:

(c5) mockmma();
..... now run in mma
......  Exit[];
(d5)           done

Valery Pipin wrote:

>On Friday 12 March 2004 15:16, Richard Fateman wrote:
>|   for mockmma
>Thank you! As I understand mma can not be used directly from maxima.
>It is designed to use from lisp.    
> What lisp dialect is better for mma?
>I can not load it nor with gcl nor with sbcl.
>>(load "mma.lisp")
>Loading mma.lisp
>Error: "COMMON-LISP" is not of type (LISP:OR LISP:SYMBOL LISP:STRING ...).
>Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
>Error signalled by LISP:USE-PACKAGE.