Subject: Maxima Testing on Windows - GNUPLOT
From: Mike Thomas
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 00:28:45 +1000
PS. To make gnuplot work I had to explicitly set the path in
"mgnuplot.tcl" (having the exe in the path would probably work too -
haven't tried this as out of time).
The exe has to be "pgnuplot" which allows piping of commands under
Windows. I used version 3.8i which includes pgnuplot which in turn
calls wgnuplot with redirected stdio.
The other modifications to "mgnuplot.tcl" are as follows:
# exec rm -f $tmp
file delete $tmp
# while {[file exists $tmp] <= 0} {exec sleep 0}
while {[file exists $tmp] <= 0} {}
which simply remove non-portable Unixisms.
does what it should (quite nicely too).
Mike Thomas