>>>The only other comment is that with the new test suite work the xMaxima
>>>tests hang in "rtest15.mac". (make check works fine of course.)
>>I bet it is the compile test. Try the following in xmaxima
>> f(x):=x+2;
>> compile(f);
>> f(x);
>>I futher bet that maxima can't find gcc. I have a fixes for this (on another PC).
> Spot on - you've nailed it.
As with all path problems, we can either make sure that the correct gcc
is in the path, or hard code the path. I took the second approach.
I am not entirely happy, as this doesn't use the new environment
1. Add the following to share/maxima/
(setq compiler::*cc*
(concatenate 'string *maxima-prefix* "\\bin\\" compiler::*cc*))
My notes say that "/" works as a path separator on winXP, but
"\\" is required on win9x.
2. Ensure the environment variable MAXIMA_PREFIX is set correctly.
This is a challenge for the installer. I have a hack for this
using an intermediate .bat file that writes the maxima.bat file
on install.