Alfonso Zerwekh wrote:
> I am a High Energy physicist and I am very interested in using Maxima. A
> very atractive point is the presence of the package gamalg for working
> with Dirac matrices. Nevertheless it seems to be broken. So I would like
> to make a few questions about it.
> 1) Is there anybody working on it ?
Seems that nobody...
> 2) What is the present status of gamalg ?
Close to unuseable, as far as I am conserned. The files present in the
distribution are lisp code, obtained by compiling some maxima code and
then a bit hacked by hand... They do not work under GCL ang CMUCL out
of the box.
> 3) Are there plans for realising a working version ?
I made some progress on it some time ago -- that is I loaded the gamalg
package and dumped it out as maxima code. The obtained code was of
course not working also, but at least it allowed for some debugging and
now it is able to reproduce at least part of the demo. It would be
great if someone could find the _real_ source code for the gamalg
package. Then I think I could make it useable. The way I used is a bit
too suspicious -- and one would like to get reliable results from gamalg
Fedor Bezrukov