tellsimp inside functuons

My suggestion is that if you want to make changes
like this, you not use derivatives unless you really want
to use properties of derivatives.

(C1) 'diff(x,t);
(D1)                  --
(C2) part(d1,0);
(D2)                   DERIVATIVE
(C3) subst(d,d2,d1);
(D3)                   d(x, t, 1)
(C4)  subst(d2,d,d3);
(D4)                  --

Now it is clear that you need rules for d(x,t,1), d(x,t,2), ...

In general I think you will need

subst(d,nounify(derivative), .... 'diff(....))

You can also declare x  to match anything in a certain set S, say



    and you can change S  to contain more or fewer elements.

    Good luck

Andrei Zorine wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to write a function, which amongst all does what is done below.
> (C1) depends(x,t);
> (D1)                     [x(t)]
> (C2) tellsimp('diff(x,t),dx/dt);
> (D2)              [DERIVATIVERULE1, SIMPDERIV]
> (C3) diff(x,t,2);
> (D3)                        0
> (C4) diff(x,t);
>                       dx
> (D4)                       --
>                       dt
> (C5) :lisp $d4
> ((MTIMES SIMP) ((MEXPT SIMP) $dt -1) $dx)
> So, the function should look like
> f(x):=( ... do this and that, then tellsimp to substitute diff(x,t) 
> with dx/dt, then do more and more...)
> My intention is to be able to do f(x1), f(x2), etc., and the have 
> diff(x1,t,2)=0 , diff(x1,t)=dx1/dt, etc.
> the problem is either f(x1) results in tellsimp('diff(x,t),...).
> If I write a macro like buldq([x],'tellsimp('diff(x,t),dx/dt)), then 
> tellsimp gets not evaluated :(
> How do I define patterns with differentiation of a function's argument?
> I have to say depends(x,t) to emulate mma's Dt call. Can I define 
> simplification of 'diff(x,t) without saying depends(...) in the above 
> framework?
> -- 
> Andrei Zorine