inchar, outchar and linechar

Barton Willis <> writes:

> 1. I applied the (defmvar |$%i| '|$%I| ... patch.  There is a minor
> problem with rtest7.mac -- a simple fix is to set linechar == e
> for this file

Wouldn't replacing E1,E2,... with %t1, %t2, ... also work?

> 2.  the {\\t NIL} doesn't seem right to me in
> (%i7) tex(%);
> $$x\leqno{\tt NIL}$$
> (%o7)                                 NIL
> (%i8)

Oops... my bad.
In mactex.lisp, quote-% is applied to some potential labels even if
it isn't a label ... such as "%".  The following patch is one way of
fixing this.


Attached file: mactex.lisp.gz