inchar, outchar and linechar

On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 13:45, Barton Willis wrote:
> 1. I applied the (defmvar |$%i| '|$%I| ... patch.  There is a minor 
> problem with rtest7.mac

To the casual observer, it would appear that I committed a whole set of
changes to cvs without running the test suite to make sure that nothing
had broken. What really happened is that I wanted to make sure that the
test suite was producing readable output, so I left those bugs in there
as a check of the comprehensibility of the test suite output.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

(Seriously, thanks for catching the problem.)

>  -- a simple fix is to set linechar == e 
> for this file 

I changed the tests to expect %t, *and* I set linechar to %t in the
test. That way the test suite is no longer sensitive the the default
value of linechar. The fix is in CVS.

Thanks again,