
Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS) writes:
>>From: David Billinghurt
>>>From: James Amundson
>>>The first beta release for Maxima 5.9.1, aka Maxima, is now
>>>available from the Sourceforge site. Follow the links from
>>><>;. I have uploaded source files
>>>in tar.gz, zip and source rpm formats as well as i386 rpms. A windows
>>>installer will be added when it becomes available.
>>I have just uploaded the windows installer.
>>	David
> I have just updated the windows installer on sourceforge.  The content is 
> identical to the one released last night (so don't download it again), but 
> it is much smaller through better compression.  Down from 21288 kB to 13353 kB.
> For the curious, I noted that the first attempt was approx 21 MB, while the
> 5.9.0 windows installer is approx 10 MB.  I then played with InnoSetup
> compression options
> Default (zip/7)	21228 kB
> bzip/9		20365 kB
> lzma/max		14609 kB
> lzma/ultra		14577 kB
> lzma/ultra		13353 kB  (with SolidCompression=yes)
> I have committed this change to CVS.

David, thank you very much for Windows installer.
But I have several questions and maybe suggestions:

1. What is essential problem with installation path
with spaces such as "C:\Program Files\"?
Can't we just use "C:\Progra~1" for it?
It used to work with Maxima 5.9.0.

Maybe the real problem is that short alias
to "C:\Program Files\" is not necessary "C:\Progra~1"
but may be quite different.  Can installer find such
alias during installation?

2. Can we use gnuplot 4.0 as default plot routine?
It seems that we are permitted to package prebuilt
gnuplot executables with Maxima.  I know that Windows
port of Octave does this.

3. It desirable to have access to maxima not only via
xmaxima.exe graphic shell but as simple console

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
