What's up next? Finding bugs

Here's another thought.
Pick up a copy of Mathematica's (free? on-line?) reference book
or Maple's book. (or the commercial Macsyma book on my web site).

Go through the commands and examples, and see what the equivalent
in Maxima produces.
  This opens our eyes to what the system might be asked to do.
I suppose it would be "thinking outside the box"  except that it
would be more accurate to portray it as "thinking inside some
other boxes".

It might also be a great tool to show people how to translate
from M&M to M.


Barton Willis wrote:

>I'd like us to add more tests to our test suite.   The tests should be 
>more organized than what we have now.  Something like a big-float test, 
>double-float test, absolute-value simplification test, ... ,zeta function 
>test.  At least for the things I've worked on, testing code is good 
>insurance against inserting new bugs----it's not all that effective for 
>discovering new bugs.  Nevertheless, everything in share should 
>have testing code.
>There are several things that should be appended to share----most notable
>is Fabrizio Caruso's summation code.  It's more complex than just 
>appending---we need to blend in user-documentation, fix up installation, 
>add autoload stuff, and etc. 
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