Thanks for your reply.
I had already tried to uninstall with the --force option
but it can't be done:
rpm -e --force maxima-exec-cmucl-5.9.0-1.i386.rpm
rpm: only installation, upgrading, rmsource and rmspec may be forced
I had installed Maxima and Lisp at the same time following the
instruction written in the Maxima home page
(http://maxima.sourceforge.net/ReadmeRPMs.shtml), i.e.:
rpm -ivh --nodeps maxima-5.9.0-1.i386.rpm
This apparently worked but maxima was not working
as I explained in my previous email.
Do I then have to uninstall Maxima manually by deleting all the
files spread in the file system?
I fear I will make a mess if I do so.
Fabrizio Caruso