I can't install and make it work.
I am trying to make it work on Fedore Core 2.
I did:
rpm -ivh --nodeps maxima-exec-cmucl-5.9.0-1.i386.rpm
("--nodeps" was necessary otherwise it was complaining
that one of the package was necessary)
Then if I run "maxima" I get
./maxima-run-lisp: LISPTYPE environment variable is not set
If I then try to uninstall maxima with
"rpm -e ..."
I get the following
error message:
error: package maxima-5.9.0-1.i386.rpm is not installed
but trying to reinstall it I get the error message:
error: package maxima-5.9.0-1 is already installed
How can I uninstall it, so that I can try some other way to make
it work?
So far the only way I have found is to use the Windows version
with "wine".
Is there a Linux Maxima package which is easy to install and
comes with all the required subpackages included in the same rpm?
Best regards
Fabrizio Caruso