Try string(d100); etc.
If you want to see the commercial macsyma documentation,
it is online and has a reference manual with an index.
not everything in commercial macsyma is in maxima. I think.
edA-qa mort-ora-y wrote:
> How can I get maxima to display unformatted output? That is, to display
> an equation exactly in the form required for entry on the prompt.
> That is, I don't want any of the *fancy* formatting which shows
> exponents, fractions, and whatnot.
> Such as:
> (C100) normalprint( 3*x^2/4 );
> (D100) 3*x^2/4;
> And also, is there a proper index for the maxima docs somewhere:
> something that includes all keywords, such as function names and symbols?