Re: [Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/src/numerical f2cl-package.lisp,1.6,1.7 slatec.lisp,1.6,1.7

>>>>> "Wolfgang" == Wolfgang Jenkner <> writes:

    Wolfgang> Update of /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/numerical
    Wolfgang> In directory

    Wolfgang> Modified Files:
    Wolfgang> 	f2cl-package.lisp slatec.lisp 
    Wolfgang> Log Message:
    Wolfgang> Eliminate all references to LISP or USER in Maxima, replacing them by
    Wolfgang> CL and CL-USER, respectively (except for system-dependent stuff, like
    Wolfgang> lisp:bye, of course).  In particular, make MAXIMA inherit from CL,
    Wolfgang> not from LISP (take a look at the cleaned-up maxima-package.lisp).
    Wolfgang> Also, all lisps now use the ERRSET from src/generr.lisp, so that
    Wolfgang> src/kclmac.lisp with the SERROR stuff can be eliminated.

Very nice!

    Wolfgang> db.lisp: Boldly replace the special variable * by db*

Why not *db*?

But I really like some of these changes!
