I am a new subscriber to this mailing list, I became interested in
maxima after doing some work to assemble an RPM package for 5.9.1beta
for Fedora Core 1 some time ago.
>>>>> "CY" == CY <smustudent1@yahoo.com> wrote:
CY> Hey gang! Now that 5.9.1 is out, I had a couple of questions
CY> about 5.9.2 a) Should Maximabook be split out of docs into its own
CY> cvs module? It's getting rather large to be included by default
CY> now, and it's going to get larger.
Starting from the 5.9.1beta tar file, compiling Maximabook was not
straightforward, and I got the impression that that maxima beta
release was not quite in synch with the book. I favor the idea of
splitting the book from maxima. I think that development work and
especially the release process would gain from having maxima
decoupled from maximabook. I also put forward the proposal to have
separate releases for the emacs/latex stuff, so that also there
development can be decoupled.