I wanted to first thank all the developers for working on and releasing
Maxima 5.9.1. There are some improvements which I have been quietly
waiting for and which work perfectly. Thank you.
In a previous post the issue of a review was mentioned. I have a role in
the UK based Learning and Teaching Support Network. We provide a network
through which colleagues in HE Maths Stats and OR can share good practice
in teaching. (See http://ltsn.mathstore.ac.uk/)
One of our major activities is in producing the paper based, and online,
newsletter MSOR Connections. (Again see
http://mathstore.gla.ac.uk/articles/ )
We do carry reviews of software packages, although they are usually
commercial since these tend to have more publicity with a major
release. There is every reason to carry reviews of well supported open
source packages also.
I would like to commission a review of Maxima. However, I would be happy
to wait for a future release if the developers think this would be
better. Any comments please?
Also, which interfaces should be included? eg maxima, xmaxima, TeXMacs
interface and so on.
Chris Sangwin
Maths, Stats & OR Network, part of the Higher Education Academy
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT
+44 121 414 6197