syntax highlighting and code folding for the KDE Kate editor

I'm an Emacs user, and have not tried Kate -- my comments are just
based on what you can do in Emacs.  Perhaps they're not relevant to

Emacs can be told that "<=" is a single operator, so can correctly
move across it.  It also knows that "[" and "]" are paired, so you can
move across a subexpression.  Obviously you can't do correct indenting
/ prettyprinting unless you know the actual *syntax* of the language,
so I am mystified by your statement that "Kate handles indentation by
default".  How can it possibly do that without understanding the
nesting structure of if/then/else, while/do, [], etc.?

I think I see what you're getting at with coloring in Kate.  It isn't
*syntax* coloring at all, and not even *keyword* coloring -- it is
predefined vs. user-defined coloring, independently of whether a
lexeme is a keyword/reserved word, a built-in function, a built-in
constant, or a built-in global variable.

I also see that we really need to improve the Maxima documentation,
which has misled you in a variety of areas!

I have not looked at the state of maxima.el (the Emacs package)
recently... perhaps it doesn't do this right either!!!
