syntax highlighting and code folding for the KDE Kate editor

> Obviously you can't do correct indenting
> / prettyprinting unless you know the actual *syntax* of the language,
> so I am mystified by your statement that "Kate handles indentation by
> default".  How can it possibly do that without understanding the
> nesting structure of if/then/else, while/do, [], etc.?
It just keeps the indentation level, which is IMHO all that you want if you ever
used an editor that tried to implement the above. Kate also highlights the
matching parenthesis, if there is any.

> I think I see what you're getting at with coloring in Kate.  It isn't
> *syntax* coloring at all, and not even *keyword* coloring -- it is
> predefined vs. user-defined coloring, independently of whether a
> lexeme is a keyword/reserved word, a built-in function, a built-in
> constant, or a built-in global variable.
At the moment it has different highlighting styles for
Definitions for Program Flow,
Definitions for Debugging,
built-in functions/variables other than the above,
and symbols :!+,-/.*<=>?[]{|}~^;'#$()
Other text is not highlighted. Also, it provides code folding for comments and
regions defined by round braces. If I would use maxima more often, I would
probably add the distinction between functions, variables and flags and refine
the program flow keyword list.