Bug fixes and tests

On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 08:44, Raymond Toy wrote:

>     David> I have been adding tests for bug fixes to rtest15.mac, with dates and 
>     David> brief comments.  This file is getting quite large and it may be a 
>     David> good ideas to freeze this file and start rtest16.mac (or similar) for 
>     David> fixes post 5.9.1 release.

Yes, the tests David has added in rtest15 are exemplary. At some point
we should consider a new organization, or at least new naming
convention, for the test files.

> Ok.  I'll look at rtest15 or maybe start rtest16.

rtest15 is huge. Go ahead and start rtest16.

I would also like to remind everyone that we can add tests that fail.
The test suite handles expected failures smoothly.
