>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <amundson@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
James> On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 08:44, Raymond Toy wrote:
David> I have been adding tests for bug fixes to rtest15.mac, with dates and
David> brief comments. This file is getting quite large and it may be a
David> good ideas to freeze this file and start rtest16.mac (or similar) for
David> fixes post 5.9.1 release.
James> Yes, the tests David has added in rtest15 are exemplary. At some point
James> we should consider a new organization, or at least new naming
James> convention, for the test files.
>> Ok. I'll look at rtest15 or maybe start rtest16.
James> rtest15 is huge. Go ahead and start rtest16.
Ok. I'll start rtest16.
James> I would also like to remind everyone that we can add tests that fail.
James> The test suite handles expected failures smoothly.
How does it know about expected failures?
This would be an excellent way of adding the examples from the bug
database. They're known bugs, and we are constantly reminded about
them. :-)